Questionnaire for market observation SFN® (punch-free) port cannulas

Dear Sir or Madam,
Against the background above, we are dependent on your support within the framework of the practical implementation of the EU Regulation 2017/745 enacted by the European Parliament and the Council.

Dear Sir or Madam, Against the background above, we are dependent on your support within the framework of the practical implementation of the EU Regulation 2017/745 enacted by European Parliament and the Council. The evaluation of your answers is anonymous and no conclusions about individual patients are included in the corresponding evaluation.

The questionnaire is divided into the following topics:

Patient information
Information about the product
Anokryo® Combi set

Please take 5-10 minutes to answer the questionnaire.
Your answers will help us to improve medical products in the future, to make them even safer and to make them available in the usual form.

Thank you very much for your support!
The team of PakuMed gmbh
Satisfaction (0= dissatisfied, 4=very satisfied)